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Exhibits, Displays & Bulletin Boards

It is part of the library’s function to provide access to intellectual and cultural resources to the community.  Thus, the Indian Valley Public Library welcomes community groups, organizations and individuals to use the various display areas and the public bulletin board of the library.  Space is provided for items of an educational, cultural, civic, or recreational nature, rather than for commercial or political purposes.


The bulletin board is a community service to publicize local groups, meetings, cultural events, non-partisan political events, fund-raising events for non-profit organizations, educational opportunities, or other services that are of a non-profit, non-self-promoting nature.


Educational or instructional opportunities may be posted, regardless of whether they are of a for-profit or non-profit nature.


Personal ads, campaign literature, baby-sitting, and garage sales are not posted.


Items may be rejected for lack of space.


Space on the bulletin board is also reserved for Souderton Area School District information.


The dated items are received will be stamped ”Posted” (by the Reference Librarian) and the items will be removed when timeliness has ceased.


Exhibits in the library are seen by anyone who walks into the building – both children and adults who may have various degrees of sophistication.  Exhibits must therefore meet what is generally known as “a standard acceptable to the community”.


Applications for exhibits will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The library shall have the final decision on the content and arrangement of all exhibits.  Every item must meet the library’s standard of value and quality.  The library reserves the right to reject all and/or any part of an exhibit or to change the manner of display.


Advertising by profit-making concerns (for other than lessons and instruction), religious tracts, or partisan political materials may not be posted, displayed or exhibited in the library.


All publicity materials relating to exhibits shall be submitted for approval by the library.


Areas available to the public for display include the two exhibit cases, the walls of the front hallways, and special display tables.  A coalition of local artists arranges for hallway exhibits.


It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to set up and remove the exhibit.  Exhibits will normally be scheduled for a period of one calendar month.  Exceptions must be approved by the library director.


The library assumes no responsibility for either damage to or the preservation, protection, or theft of any item displayed or exhibited, as per insurance carrier. All items placed in the library are done at the owner’s risk.


All exhibitors are required to sign a form which releases the library from any responsibility for exhibited items.

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